A Ka-band tunable direct-conversion correlation reflectometer for NSTX

Rev Sci Instrum. 2010 Oct;81(10):10D917. doi: 10.1063/1.3490024.


The recent availability of broadband microwave quadrature mixers in the Ka-band (28-40 GHz) of frequencies has allowed the fabrication of low-cost direct-conversion detection circuits for use in the variable-frequency correlation reflectometer on the National Spherical Torus eXperiment (NSTX). The quadrature receiver in this case can be implemented as a simple homodyne circuit, without the complication of a single-sideband modulator or a feedforward tracking circuit present in more typical designs. A pair of direct-conversion receivers is coupled with broadband microwave voltage-controlled oscillators to construct a flexible dual-channel radar system with a fast frequency settling time of ∼160 μs. A detailed description of the design and a full characterization of the hardware are provided. Examples of turbulence measurements from radial and poloidal correlation reflectometry on NSTX using a poloidal array of antennas (oriented normal to the magnetic flux surfaces for conventional reflectometry) are presented.