Genome-wide gene expression profiles of ovarian carcinoma: Identification of molecular targets for the treatment of ovarian carcinoma

Mol Med Rep. 2009 May-Jun;2(3):365-84. doi: 10.3892/mmr_00000109.


This study aimed to clarify the molecular mechanisms involved in ovarian carcinogenesis, and to identify candidate molecular targets for its diagnosis and treatment. The genome-wide gene expression profiles of 22 epithelial ovarian carcinomas were analyzed with a microarray representing 38,500 genes, in combination with laser microbeam microdissection. A total of 273 commonly up-regulated transcripts and 387 down-regulated transcripts were identified in the ovarian carcinoma samples. Of the 273 up-regulated transcripts, only 87 (31.9%) were previously reported as up-regulated in microarray studies using bulk cancer tissues and normal ovarian tissues for analysis. CHMP4C (chromatin-modifying protein 4C) was frequently overexpressed in ovarian carcinoma tissue, but not expressed in the normal human tissues used as a control. Our data should contribute to an improved understanding of tumorigenesis in ovarian cancer, and aid in the development of diagnostic tumor markers and molecular-targeting therapy for patients with the disease.