OP006. A preeclampsia genome-wide linkage scan in norwegian families

Pregnancy Hypertens. 2013 Apr;3(2):64. doi: 10.1016/j.preghy.2013.04.022. Epub 2013 Jun 6.


Introduction: Several maternal susceptibility loci for preeclampsia (PE) have been discovered amongst Icelandic, Australian/New Zealand, Dutch and Finnish family cohorts, implicating locus heterogeneity. Through candidate gene studies, allele-specific heterogeneity in different populations is also evident. It is therefore likely that numerous population specific PE susceptibility variants exist, differing in their effect size. Despite on-going efforts to identify susceptibility genes for PE, the causal genetic variants still remain obscure.

Objectives: The aim of this study is to interrogate the genetic architecture of PE susceptibility by performing a genome-wide linkage scan in a novel familial cohort from Norway.

Methods: A total of 480 DNA samples from The Norwegian PE Family Biobank were genotyped at Genomic Core Facility at NTNU. Genome-wide genotyping was performed with the Infinium HumanExome BeadChip (>240,000 markers) (Illumina, USA) that delivers focused coverage of exonic regions of the human genome.

Results: A total of 137 families are represented with 222 women with a valid PE diagnosis (SBP⩾140mmHg DBP⩾90mmHg, ⩾2 measurements at least 4h apart with documented proteinuria at ⩾2 occasions occurring after 20weeks of pregnancy), 44 with self-reported PE and 72 women with a healthy pregnancy. The genotyping has just recently been completed with an average call rate of 99.96%. Data and statistical analysis is now underway using MERLIN, R and SOLAR. A description of the Norwegian PE familial cohort plus preliminary results will be presented at the Congress.

Conclusion: To our knowledge this is the first SNP-based genome-wide linkage study on PE, and the first performed in a novel Norwegian PE family cohort. By using an approach focusing on functionally relevant markers we anticipate the identification of susceptibility loci that are of substantial importance for disease development.