Bringing your tools to CyVerse Discovery Environment using Docker

F1000Res. 2016 Jun 21:5:1442. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.8935.1. eCollection 2016.


Docker has become a very popular container-based virtualization platform for software distribution that has revolutionized the way in which scientific software and software dependencies (software stacks) can be packaged, distributed, and deployed. Docker makes the complex and time-consuming installation procedures needed for scientific software a one-time process. Because it enables platform-independent installation, versioning of software environments, and easy redeployment and reproducibility, Docker is an ideal candidate for the deployment of identical software stacks on different compute environments such as XSEDE and Amazon AWS. CyVerse's Discovery Environment also uses Docker for integrating its powerful, community-recommended software tools into CyVerse's production environment for public use. This paper will help users bring their tools into CyVerse Discovery Environment (DE) which will not only allows users to integrate their tools with relative ease compared to the earlier method of tool deployment in DE but will also help users to share their apps with collaborators and release them for public use.

Keywords: CyVerse; Discovery Environment; virtualization platform.

Grants and funding

CyVerse is funded by NSF award numbers DBI-0735191 and DBI-1265383.