Vestibular Characteristics of Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis

OTO Open. 2018 Oct 18;2(4):2473974X18804993. doi: 10.1177/2473974X18804993. eCollection 2018 Oct-Dec.


Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common disease entity with symptoms that may extend beyond the sinonasal tract. Limited data exist regarding the relationship between CRS and the vestibular system, and no previous study has investigated the association between objective vestibular findings on videonystagmography (VNG) and the diagnosis of CRS. We analyzed a prospective database of 3078 patients who underwent VNG at our institution over an 8-year period, which included 70 subjects who had a diagnosis of CRS assigned by an otolaryngologist. Overall, the VNG findings for patients with CRS were similar to those of the general population, with 50% exhibiting normal vestibular function. Peripheral lesions were the most common abnormal VNG finding, with a wide range of subjective symptom descriptions. This preliminary report of the prevalence of objective vestibular findings in patients with CRS may form the basis for future study.

Keywords: chronic rhinosinusitis; dizziness; vertigo; videonystagmography.