Accelerated Processing of Boneless Hams to Dry-Cured State

J Food Prot. 1983 Aug;46(8):717-721. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X-46.8.717.


Three different cure mixtures were applied at the rate of 5% of the weight of fresh boneless hams before tumbling at 21°C for 3 h continuously at 22 rpm. The hams were held 12 h at 4.4°C for salt (NaCl) equalization, smoked for 4 h, cooked to an internal temperature of 71°C and aged for 14 d. Sensory evaluations were made and residual salt, moisture and nitrite (NO2-) were determined. Panel scores were similar for all treatments that were tumbled. Percentage salt and moisture were similar for the three treatments but the control (non-tumbled) had the lowest concentration of NaCl and NO2-. Residual NO2- levels for hams treated with 0.1 or 0.2% sodium nitrite (NaNO2) were not different (P>0.05). The highest NO2- level was detected in hams cured with nitric oxide.