Smoothed Quantile Regression with Large-Scale Inference

J Econom. 2023 Feb;232(2):367-388. doi: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2021.07.010. Epub 2021 Aug 24.


Quantile regression is a powerful tool for learning the relationship between a response variable and a multivariate predictor while exploring heterogeneous effects. This paper focuses on statistical inference for quantile regression in the "increasing dimension" regime. We provide a comprehensive analysis of a convolution smoothed approach that achieves adequate approximation to computation and inference for quantile regression. This method, which we refer to as conquer, turns the non-differentiable check function into a twice-differentiable, convex and locally strongly convex surrogate, which admits fast and scalable gradient-based algorithms to perform optimization, and multiplier bootstrap for statistical inference. Theoretically, we establish explicit non-asymptotic bounds on estimation and Bahadur-Kiefer linearization errors, from which we show that the asymptotic normality of the conquer estimator holds under a weaker requirement on dimensionality than needed for conventional quantile regression. The validity of multiplier bootstrap is also provided. Numerical studies confirm conquer as a practical and reliable approach to large-scale inference for quantile regression. Software implementing the methodology is available in the R package conquer.

Keywords: Bahadur-Kiefer representation; convolution; multiplier bootstrap; non-asymptotic statistics; quantile regression.