Observation of Edge Magnetoplasmon Squeezing in a Quantum Hall Conductor

Phys Rev Lett. 2023 Mar 10;130(10):106201. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.106201.


Squeezing of the quadratures of the electromagnetic field has been extensively studied in optics and microwaves. However, previous works focused on the generation of squeezed states in a low impedance (Z_{0}≈50 Ω) environment. We report here on the demonstration of the squeezing of bosonic edge magnetoplasmon modes in a quantum Hall conductor whose characteristic impedance is set by the quantum of resistance (R_{K}≈25 kΩ), offering the possibility of an enhanced coupling to low-dimensional quantum conductors. By applying a combination of dc and ac drives to a quantum point contact, we demonstrate squeezing and observe a noise reduction 18% below the vacuum fluctuations. This level of squeezing can be improved by using more complex conductors, such as ac driven quantum dots or mesoscopic capacitors.