Stage II adenocarcinoma of the endometrium treated by two standard regimens of combined preoperative irradiation and surgery

Int J Gynecol Cancer. 1994 Jul;4(4):265-271. doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1438.1994.04040265.x.


We retrospectively analyzed 77 patients with stage II endometrial carcinoma treated with standard regimens of preoperative radiotherapy (RT) and surgery (S). The age range was 31-74 years with a median of 56.3 years. Thirty-three patients received 40 Gy whole pelvis RT followed by either radical or modified radical hysterectomy. Forty-four patients received 50 Gy whole pelvis RT and sequential intrauterine and intravaginal cesium-137 brachytherapy followed by a simple hysterectomy. Median follow-up was 111 months. No patient was lost to follow-up. The overall 5-year actuarial survival was 78%. There was no significant difference between the two treatment groups. Several prognostic variables were analyzed. Those with histologic grade I and II had 5-year survival of 89% and 83%, respectively, compared to 62% for grade III (P =0.045). The 5-year survival for microscopic cervical involvement was 87% compared to 59% for gross involvement (P= 0.008). Patients with negative or microscopic residual tumor in the surgical specimen and those with negative lymph nodes had less risk of treatment failure. Local failure occurred in only 9%. Major complications (3%) were seen only in the radical surgery group. Combined preoperative RT and S provide high cure rates with minimal complications for patients with stage II endometrial carcinoma. Patients with adverse prognostic factors are candidates for trials of more aggressive local and systemic therapy.