Acute severe epistaxis due to iatrogenic maxillary pseudoaneurysm. Emergency control of haemorrhage by carotid compression and early recurrence after coil embolization

Interv Neuroradiol. 2004 Sep 30;10(3):269-72. doi: 10.1177/159101990401000311. Epub 2005 Jan 5.


Internal maxillary arterial or branch transection is a potential complication of maxillofacial surgery. We describe one such patient who developed acute massive nasal haemorrhage, an episode of which was controlled clinically just prior to performing endovascular embolization by employing the simple but effective clinical manoeuvre of manual carotid arterial compression. Six weeks later the haemorrhage recurred despite a seemingly adequate embolization of the affected arteries with microcoils and Spongistan due to re-establishment of flow through the coils.