
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2011 Apr 1;67(Pt 4):o776. doi: 10.1107/S1600536811007549. Epub 2011 Mar 5.


In the title compound, C(12)H(11)IO(4), the C and O atoms of both meth-oxy groups lie very close to the mean plane of the six C atoms of the benzene ring. The O and C atoms of the group lying closest to the I atom are 0.012 (3) and 0.022 (4) Å, respectively, out of the mean plane. For the other meth-oxy group, the corresponding distances are 0.020 (3) and 0.078 (4) Å. In the crystal, there are only very weak inter-molecular C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and O⋯I contacts [3.080 (2) Å]. The mol-ecules are approximately parallel to (100), forming a layered structure.