Anterior cerebral artery angioplasty for intracranial atherosclerosis

J Vasc Interv Neurol. 2008 Jan;1(1):16-8.


Background: Angioplasty of the intracranial vasculature has been well described for the middle cerebral artery and carotid terminus, primarily in the setting of vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Endovascular therapy for anterior cerebral artery stenosis has not heretofore been described.

Case report: We report the case of A1 segment angioplasty in a 77 year old man with presumed intracranial atherosclerosis.

Discussion: The proximal anterior cerebral artery serves the anterior caudate and lenticular nuclei; blockade produces motor symptoms. The anterior cerebral artery is smaller than the middle, making angioplasty more difficult. Anatomical variants are common.

Keywords: angioplasty; anterior cerebral artery; atherosclerosis.

Publication types

  • Case Reports