Identification and characterization of Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain genes in mulberry, Morus notabilis

Meta Gene. 2016 Mar 2:8:44-50. doi: 10.1016/j.mgene.2014.04.004. eCollection 2016 Jun.


Genes from the plant specific Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain (LBD) family encode transcriptional regulators that have a variety of functions in various physiological and developmental processes. In the present study, 31 LBD genes were identified in the mulberry genome. The genome features of all MnLBD genes and phylogenetic studies with Arabidopsis LBD protein sequences, accompanied by the expression analysis of each of the Morus LBD genes provide insights into the functional prediction of mulberry LBDs. The genome-wide surveys of the current mulberry genome have resulted in the identification of catalogs of MnLBD genes that may function in the development of leaf, root, and secondary metabolism in Morus sp.

Keywords: GSDS, Gene Structure Display Server; Gene expression; HMM, Hidden Markov model; LBD family; LBD, Lateral Boundary Domain; LOB, Lateral Organ Boundary gene; MEME, Multiple Em For Motif Elicitation; Morus notabilis; NJ, neighbor-joining; PKM, The reads per kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads; Phylogeny analysis.