Exploring Patient Views and Acceptance of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Investigation of Suspected Prostate Cancer (the PACT Study): A Mixed-Methods Study Protocol

Methods Protoc. 2020 Mar 28;3(2):26. doi: 10.3390/mps3020026.


Background: The introduction of multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) has improved the diagnosis of suspected prostate cancer, accurately risk-stratifying men before a biopsy. However, pre-biopsy mpMRI represents a significant deviation from the traditional approach of prostate specific antigen testing with subsequent systematic transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy and we have not yet explored the views of men who experience this new pathway. The purpose of the PACT study (PAtient views and aCceptance of mulTiparametric MRI) is to explore men's perceptions of mpMRI.

Methods: PACT will be conducted at teaching hospitals in which mpMRI is central to the prostate cancer diagnostic pathway using a two-phase, mixed-methods, quantitative and qualitative approach. In phase I, men referred with suspected prostate cancer will complete detailed surveys to explore their views on the mpMRI-directed pathway compared to the traditional pathway and on what constitutes 'significant' prostate cancer. In phase II, these themes will be expanded upon with in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data will be transcribed and thematically analysed, and quantitative questionnaire responses will be analysed statistically.

Discussion: PACT will provide the first detailed insight into patient perceptions on the use and acceptability of mpMRI. Furthermore, results from PACT will help contribute to the resolution of outstanding controversies that surround this technology.

Keywords: diagnostic pathway; multiparametric MRI; patient views; prostate cancer; risk stratification.