Can Insoles Be Used to Improve Static and Dynamic Balance of Community-Dwelling Older Adults? A Systematic Review on Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

J Aging Phys Act. 2020 Jun 4;28(6):971-986. doi: 10.1123/japa.2019-0293. Print 2020 Dec 1.


This systematic review investigated the effects of orthopedic, vibrating, and textured insoles on the postural balance of community-dwelling older adults. Articles published in English from 1999 to 2019 investigating the effects of (a) orthopedic, (b) vibrating, and (c) textured insoles on static and dynamic balance in community-dwelling older adults were considered. Twenty-four trials with a total of 634 older adults were identified. The information gathered generally supported the balance-improving effects of orthopedic, vibrating, and textured insoles in both static and dynamic conditions among community-dwelling older adults. Further examination found that rigidity, texture patterns, vibration thresholds, and components like arch supports and heel cups are important factors in determining whether insoles can improve balance. This review highlights the potential of insoles for improving the static and dynamic balance of community-dwelling older adults. Good knowledge in insole designs and an understanding of medical conditions of older adults are required when attempts are made to improve postural balance using insoles.

Keywords: falls; gait; plantar sensation; postural balance.