Food Insecurity, Chronic Disease and Quality of Life among Deaf Adults who use American Sign Language

J Hunger Environ Nutr. 2021;16(2):271-280. doi: 10.1080/19320248.2019.1699220. Epub 2019 Dec 3.


This study examined the relationships of food insecurity, chronic diseases, and QoL in a U.S. sample of 630 deaf adults (18 to 89 years old; 55% female) who used American Sign Language (ASL). Measures of USDA Food Security Module, self-reported diagnoses of chronic diseases, and QoL were administered in ASL and English. Approximately 22% reported facing food insecurity, with low food security (11%) and very low food security (11.4%). QoL, but not the presence of chronic diseases, was significantly associated with food insecurity. Higher income and absence of depression acted as protective factors, reducing the risk for food insecurity.

Keywords: Chronic disease; Deaf; Food security; Sign language; deafness; disability; quality of life.