Stepping On Fall Prevention Program Reduces Falls in Older Adults: An Observational Prospective Study

J Gerontol Nurs. 2023 Aug;49(8):43-50. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20230707-05. Epub 2023 Aug 1.


The purpose of the current study was to assess the impact of the Stepping On fall prevention program on the incidence of falls and frailty measures in older adults. Participants completed pre- and post-fall prevention program questionnaires and the Frail Scale Assessment at baseline and post-program. They also completed a follow-up questionnaire and Frail Scale Assessment at 6- and 12-month intervals post-program. Univariate analysis was performed comparing robust (n = 11), pre-frail (n = 29), and frail (n = 7) participants. Frail participants were significantly older (mean age = 77.7 years [SD = 4.9 years] vs. 74 years [SD = 5.9 years] vs. 70.4 [SD = 3.9], respectively; p = 0.026) and more likely to live alone (71.4% vs. 65.5% vs. 18.2%, respectively; p = 0.017) compared to pre-frail and robust participants. At 12-month post-program, reported falls and frailty scores decreased compared to baseline (12.8% vs. 29.8%, p = 0.044 and 0.91 [SD = 1.1] vs. 1.3 [SD = 1.082], respectively; p = 0.009). Data show that 41.4% of pre-frail participants at baseline improved to robust. Participation in Stepping On led to a decrease in reported falls and frailty scores 12 months post-program, suggesting that participation in the program may help delay frailty progression. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 49(8), 43-50.].