Assessing the Impact of Prolonged Averaging of Coronary Continuous Thermodilution Traces

Diagnostics (Basel). 2024 Jan 28;14(3):285. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics14030285.


Continuous Thermodilution is a novel method of quantifying coronary flow (Q) in mL/min. To account for variability of Q within the cardiac cycle, the trace is smoothened with a 2 s moving average filter. This can sometimes be ineffective due to significant heart rate variability, ventricular extrasystoles, and deep inspiration, resulting in a fluctuating temperature trace and ambiguity in the location of the "steady state". This study aims to assess whether a longer moving average filter would smoothen any fluctuations within the continuous thermodilution traces resulting in improved interpretability and reproducibility on a test-retest basis. Patients with ANOCA underwent repeat continuous thermodilution measurements. Analysis of traces were performed at averages of 10, 15, and 20 s to determine the maximum acceptable average. The maximum acceptable average was subsequently applied as a moving average filter and the traces were re-analysed to assess the practical consequences of a longer moving average. Reproducibility was then assessed and compared to a 2 s moving average. Of the averages tested, only 10 s met the criteria for acceptance. When the data was reanalysed with a 10 s moving average filter, there was no significant improvement in reproducibility, however, it resulted in a 12% diagnostic mismatch. Applying a longer moving average filter to continuous thermodilution data does not improve reproducibility. Furthermore, it results in a loss of fidelity on the traces, and a 12% diagnostic mismatch. Overall, current practice should be maintained.

Keywords: CMD; Coroflow; continuous thermodilution; coronary; microvascular.

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.