Prevention of epileptogenesis - are we there yet?

Curr Opin Neurol. 2024 Feb 13. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000001256. Online ahead of print.


Purpose of review: To review recent progress in preventing epileptogenesis in patients with epilepsy.

Recent findings: The recent success of epilepsy prevention and disease modification in tuberous sclerosis using simple EEG biomarkers to guide treatment initiation, and the identification of biomarkers to enrich the targeted patient population has made clinical trials of epilepsy prevention after acquired central nervous system (CNS) insults such as traumatic brain injury, stroke or infection both feasible and timely. Two such trials are currently on-going to prevent poststroke epilepsy.

Summary: No disease-modifying or preventive treatments exist for epilepsy, and their development remains a major unmet need.. We have entered though the era of change in the treatment of epilepsy from symptomatic only to disease prevention. In this review, we summarize developments and review opportunities, challenges, and potential solutions to develop preventive treatment for acquired epilepsies in humans. The 'Holy Grail' of epilepsy is within our reach.