[Analysis of the change in human resources of centers for disease control and prevention in different regions of China from 2010 to 2020]

Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2024 May 6;58(5):636-641. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20231206-00404.
[Article in Chinese]


Objective: To analyze the change in human resources within China's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2010 to 2020. Methods: The self-reported information from provincial, prefectural (city), and county (district) levels of China's CDC, covering employee counts, staff composition, professional qualifications, educational backgrounds, technical titles, and tenure, were extracted from the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System. The demographic context was provided by the annual population figures from the China Statistical Yearbook (2010-2020). The profile of CDC personnel was described, and the average annual percentage rate change (AAPC), average annual percentage rate change (APC), human resource agglomeration degree (HRAD) and the difference between HRAD and population agglomeration degree (PAD) were calculated. The Joinpoint regression model was used to analyze the time trend. Results: The decade under review witnessed a net increase of 17 300 active and 18 300 enrolled personnel in the CDC, surpassing the national population growth rate with AAPCs of 0.93% and 1.03%, respectively. This upward trajectory was statistically significant (P<0.05). The ratio of disease control personnel per 10 000 population escalated from 1.14 to 1.21. An initial decline in active CDC workforce density (from 1.31 to 1.27 per 10 000 population between 2010 and 2017) was followed by an increase (from 1.28 to 1.37 between 2018 and 2020), with APCs of -0.40% and 3.73%, respectively. The proportion of professional and technical staff in 2019 was highest in the eastern region (86.01%), followed by the western (83.75%) and central regions (79.54%). The period also saw an enhancement in the average academic degree (from 1.91 to 2.43 points) and professional title scores (from 1.39 to 1.53 points) of CDC personnel. While the average tenure in the eastern and western regions showed a slight decline, the central region experienced an increase, with HRAD values indicating a higher concentration in the eastern and central regions compared to the western region. The HRAD-PAD discrepancy revealed a negative value in the eastern region, nearing zero in the central and western regions. Conclusion: Between 2010 and 2020, China's CDC experienced notable growth in human resources and underwent structural optimization, albeit with significant regional disparities in concentration.

目的: 了解2010—2020年中国各地区疾病预防控制中心人力资源变化趋势。 方法: 由中国疾病预防控制信息系统基本信息系统获取 2010—2020年中国各省、地(市)、县(区)疾控中心自报信息,包括在职人员数量、在编人员数量、专业技术人员数量、人员学历、专业技术职称和工作年限等,由2010—2020年《中国统计年鉴》获取各地区年末人口。描述疾控中心人员数量和结构,计算平均速度、年均变化百分比(AAPC)、年度变化百分比(APC)、人力资源集聚度(HRAD)及其与人口集聚度(PAD)的差值;采用Joinpoint回归模型进行时间趋势分析。 结果: 2010—2020年疾控中心在职人数和在编人数增长量分别为1.73万和1.83万名,平均增长速度分别为0.94%和1.14%,高于我国年末人口平均增长速度(0.52%),在职和在编人数的AAPC分别为0.93%和1.03%,均呈逐年上升趋势(均P<0.01);2010—2020年中国每万人口疾控在编人数由1.14名逐年增长至1.21名;每万人口疾控在职人数2010—2017年由1.31名降至1.27名,2018—2020年由1.28名升至1.37名,APC分别为-0.40%和3.73%,分别呈下降和上升趋势(均P<0.05)。2019年东部、西部和中部地区专业技术人员占比分别为86.01%(49 145/57 140)、83.75%(48 813/58 286)和79.54%(40 735/51 213)。2010—2020年中国疾控中心人员学历均值由1.91分增至2.43分,职称均值由1.39分增至1.53分。2010—2020年东部和西部地区疾控中心人员平均工作年限分别由19.37和20.13年降至19.04和18.24年,中部地区平均工作年限由20.28年增至21.15年。东部和中部地区HRAD均>1,西部地区<1;东部地区HRAD-PAD<0,中部和西部地区接近0。 结论: 2010—2020年我国疾控中心人力资源数量提升、结构优化,但集聚度差异明显。.

Publication types

  • English Abstract

MeSH terms

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S.
  • China
  • Humans
  • United States
  • Workforce*