Dynamic intrauterine crosstalk promotes porcine embryo implantation during early pregnancy

Sci China Life Sci. 2024 May 11. doi: 10.1007/s11427-023-2557-x. Online ahead of print.


Dynamic crosstalk between the embryo and mother is crucial during implantation. Here, we comprehensively profile the single-cell transcriptome of pig peri-implantation embryos and corresponding maternal endometrium, identifying 4 different lineages in embryos and 13 cell types in the endometrium. Cell-specific gene expression characterizes 4 distinct trophectoderm subpopulations, showing development from undifferentiated trophectoderm to polar and mural trophectoderm. Dynamic expression of genes in different types of endometrial cells illustrates their molecular response to embryos during implantation. Then, we developed a novel tool, ExtraCellTalk, generating an overall dynamic map of maternal-foetal crosstalk using uterine luminal proteins as bridges. Through cross-species comparisons, we identified a conserved RBP4/STRA6 pathway in which embryonic-derived RBP4 could target the STRA6 receptor on stromal cells to regulate the interaction with other endometrial cells. These results provide insight into the maternal-foetal crosstalk during embryo implantation and represent a valuable resource for further studies to improve embryo implantation.

Keywords: ExtraCellTalk; endometrial remodeling; implantation; maternal-foetal crosstalk; trophoblast.